The services we offer ensure that your organization is in compliance with the Federal E-Rate rules and deliver results that help your organization meet its education technology funding goals.

Many have concluded that securing E-rate funding is a moving target. E-Rate Elite brings 65+ years of combined experience to help build lasting capabilities within your team. We have helped hundreds of applicants mange the complexity of securing E-rate funding. For 17+ years, E-Rate Elite has been delivering collaborative winning strategies for state education and library agencies, school districts, charter and private schools and consortiums.
Leveraging E-Rate funding requires a long-term strategy. Developing a strategy to integrate and educate various departments on their role in the process is key. Ensuring the strategy has the commitment of all stakeholders makes it sustainable.
E-rate starts here. Understanding variations between your agencies guidelines and E-rate requirements will determine your level of success. We help to build that capability within the organization, to ensure an integrated procurement process that ensures overall compliance.
Our application management process provides you access to the experience and expertise of former USAC professionals. We understand the internal and external dynamics of the E-Rate program and reduces the complexity associated with federal funding. The comfort of knowing there is a skilled team dedicated to your application management allows you to redirect your focus back to your primary responsibilities.
A proficient management service intended to assist schools and libraries with compliance to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) inventory rules.
Fixed assets management is an accounting process that seeks to track fixed assets for the purposes of financial accounting, preventive maintenance, and theft deterrence. Organizations face a significant challenge to track the location, quantity, condition, and maintenance of their fixed assets.
E-Rate program guidelines requires assets purchased with program funding be installed in the specified locations and remain in place for a period of three years. There are provisions for transferring and disposal of E-Rate funded equipment. It is recommended that applicants use some form of asset tagging, often labels with barcodes, to track E-Rate assets. They should also be clearly identifiable within any fixed asset software. Program guidelines govern E-Rate assets, which may be different from the applicant’s normal asset handling timelines.
E-Rate Elite can review your asset management policies and procedures for program compliance and make recommendations to optimize your process. Asset management is essential to planning future technology projects. The Funding Year 2015 changes to Category 2 (formerly Priority 2) funding have increased the need to be strategic when applying for infrastructure funding. E-Rate Elite has managed hundreds of millions in equipment funding and will guide you through the strategic planning process when leveraging E-Rate funding for your projects.
E-Rate Elite consultants offer appeal representation to assist your organization with compliance after commitment adjustments, a failed application process, and audit findings.
Audits are never fun! With expert consultants well informed about how USAC conducts audits, this process can be a lot less overwhelming. Erate Elite Services (EES) can provide your organization with invaluable support to ensure compliance with USAC program rules so that you triumph over this event and continue business as usual without the stress.
There are two types of USAC audits: Beneficiary and Contributor Audit Program (BCAP) and Payment Quality Assurance (PQA). Simply put, USAC wants to be certain that organizations are using E-Rate funds according to program rules and that payments issued to organizations are the correct amount according to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules.
EES offers the following support throughout this process:
- 10 weeks of audit support
- Response Management and Research
- Auto pre-screen and compliance review
- Accompanied site visits with auditors
- Invoice review and reconciliation
- Final audit report
An E-Rate Elite consultant will provide the representation your organization needs to resolve a USAC audit successfully and minimize any potential corrective actions that you are facing.
Has the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) or the Schools and Libraries Program deemed your organization ineligible to receive E-Rate funding? Do you believe that your organization was not rewarded the funding amount that you deserve? E-Rate Elite Services (EES) has first-hand experience with USAC and knows what it takes for you file an appeal successfully.
Provided you receive an unfavorable decision and choose to file an appeal within 60 days of USACs notification, EES will evaluate your situation to determine why the decision was made, prepare the appeal with the appropriate supporting documents, and stand with you through the remainder of the process.
Our services commence the moment a client informs us that they would like to appeal an E-Rate notification. Please note, EES contract clients receive this service automatically. If you are not currently a client, and are interested in appeals representation, please feel free to contact us.
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